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Azure Administrator Associate (AZ-104) Course Details:


Course Duration




Course Eligibility


  • Azure Absolute Beginners. No prior Microsoft Azure Cloud experience necessary

  • Existing Solutions Architects

  • Atleast 2 years of IT infrastructure experience is recommended 

  • +Introduction - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate
    Course Introduction - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Creating an AWS Account AWS Account Activation Troubleshooting AWS Budget Setup How to read an AWS Bill
  • +AWS Fundamentals: IAM & EC2
    AWS Fundamentals - Section Introduction AWS Regions and AZs IAM Introduction IAM Hands On EC2 Introduction SSH Overview How to SSH using Linux or Mac How to SSH using Windows How to SSH using Windows 10 SSH Troubleshooting EC2 Instance Connect Introduction to Security Groups Security Groups Deep Dive Private vs Public vs Elastic IP Private vs Public vs Elastic IP Hands On Install Apache on EC2 EC2 User Data
  • +High Availability and Scalability: ELB & ASG
    High Availability and Scalability Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) Overview Classic Load Balancer (CLB) with Hands On Application Load Balancer (ALB) with Hands On Network Load Balancer (NLB) with Hands On Elastic Load Balancer - Stickiness Elastic Load Balancer - Cross Zone Load Balancing Elastic Load Balancer - SSL Certificates Elastic Load Balancer - Connection Draining Auto Scaling Groups (ASG) Overview Auto Scaling Groups Hands On Auto Scaling Groups - Scaling Policies Auto Scaling Groups - for Solutions Architects
  • +EC2 Storage - EBS & EFS
    EBS Intro EBS Intro Hands On EBS Volume Types Deep Dive EBS Operation: Snapshots EBS Operation: Volume Migration EBS Operation: Volume Encryption EBS vs Instance Store EBS RAID configurations EFS Overview EFS Hands On EBS & EFS - Section Cleanup EFS vs EBS EC2 Data Management - EBS & EFS Quiz
  • +AWS Fundamentals: RDS + Aurora + ElastiCache
    AWS RDS Overview RDS Read Replicas vs Multi AZ AWS RDS Hands On RDS Encryption + Security Aurora Overview Aurora Hands On ElastiCache Overview ElastiCache Hands On ElastiCache for Solution Architect List of Ports to be familiar with
  • +Route 53
    Route 53 Overview Route 53 Hands On Route 53 - EC2 Setup Route 53 - TTL Route 53 CNAME vs Alias Routing Policy - Simple Routing Policy - Weighted Routing Policy - Latency Route 53 Health Checks Routing Policy - Failover Routing Policy - Geolocation Routing Policy - Multi Value 3rd Party Domains & Route 53 Section Cleanup
  • +Classic Solutions Architecture Discussions
    Beanstalk Overview Beanstalk Hands On Solutions Architecture Discussions - Classic
  • +Amazon S3 Introduction
    Amazon S3 - Section Introduction S3 Buckets and Objects S3 Versioning S3 Encryption S3 Security & Bucket Policies S3 Bucket Policies Hands On S3 Websites S3 CORS S3 CORS Hands On S3 Consistency Model
  • +AWS CLI, SDK, IAM Roles & Policies
    ​ Developing on AWS Introduction AWS CLI Setup on Windows AWS CLI Setup on Mac OS X AWS CLI Setup on Linux AWS CLI Configuration AWS CLI on EC2 AWS CLI Practice with S3 IAM Roles and Policies Hands On AWS Policy Simulator AWS EC2 Instance Metadata AWS SDK Overview
  • +Advanced Amazon S3 & Athena
    ​S3 MFA Delete S3 Default Encryption S3 Access Logs S3 Replication (Cross Region and Same Region) S3 Pre-signed URLs S3 Storage Tiers + Glacier S3 Lifecycle Policies S3 Performance S3 Select & Glacier Select S3 Event Notifications Athena Overview Athena Hands On S3 Lock Policies & Glacier Vault Lock Section Cleanup
  • +CloudFront & AWS Global Accelerator
    CloudFront Overview CloudFront with S3 - Hands On CloudFront Signed URL / Cookies AWS Global Accelerator - Overview AWS Global Accelerator - Hands On
  • +AWS Storage Extras
    Snowball Overview Snowball Hands On Storage Gateway Overview Storage Gateway Hands On Amazon FSx - Overview Amazon FSx - Hands On All AWS Storage Options Compared
  • +Decoupling applications: SQS, SNS, Kinesis, Active MQ
    Introduction to Messaging AWS SQS AWS SQS Console Hands On AWS SQS FIFO Queues SQS + Auto Scaling Group AWS SNS AWS SNS Hands On Kinesis Data Streams Overview Kinesis Data Streams Hands On Kinesis Firehose & Kinesis Data Analytics Data Ordering for Kinesis vs SQS FIFO SQS vs SNS vs Kinesis Amazon MQ
  • +Serverless Overviews from a Solution Architect Perspective
    About the Serverless Section Serverless Introduction Lambda Overview Lambda Hands-On Lambda Limits Lambda@Edge DynamoDB Overview DynamoDB Hands-On DynamoDB Advanced Features API Gateway Overview API Gateway Basics Hands-On API Gateway Security AWS Cognito Overview Serverless Application Model (SAM) Overview
  • +Databases in AWS
    Choosing the right database RDS Aurora ElastiCache DynamoDB S3 Athena Redshift Neptune ElasticSearch
  • +AWS Monitoring & Audit: CloudWatch, CloudTrail & Config
    AWS Monitoring - Section Introduction AWS CloudWatch Metrics AWS CloudWatch Dashboards AWS CloudWatch Logs AWS CloudWatch Alarms AWS CloudWatch Events AWS CloudTrail AWS Config - Overview AWS Config - Hands On CloudTrail vs CloudWatch vs Config
  • +Identity and Access Management (IAM) - Advanced
    Security Token Service (STS) Overview Identity Federation & Cognito [SAA-C02] Directory Services - Overview Organizations - Overview Organizations - Hands On IAM - Advanced IAM - Policy Evaluation Logic Resource Access Manager (RAM) AWS Single Sign On (SSO) - Overview AWS Single Sign On (SSO) - Hands On
  • +AWS Security & Encryption: KMS, SSM Parameter Store, CloudHSM, Shield, WAF
    AWS Security - Section Introduction Encryption 101 KMS Overview KMS Hands On w/ CLI SSM Parameter Store Overview SSM Parameter Store Hands On (CLI) SSM Parameter Store Hands On (AWS Lambda) AWS Secrets Manager - Overview AWS Secrets Manager - Hands On CloudHSM Shield - DDoS Protection Web Application Firewall (WAF) WAF & Shield - Hands On Shared Responsibility Model
  • +Networking - VPC
    Section Introduction CIDR, Private vs Public IP Default VPC Overview VPC Overview and Hands On Subnet Overview and Hands On Internet Gateways & Route Tables NAT Instances NAT Gateways DNS Resolution Options & Route 53 Private Zones NACL & Security Groups VPC Peering VPC Endpoints VPC Flow Logs + Athena Bastion Hosts Site to Site VPN, Virtual Private Gateway & Customer Gateway Direct Connect & Direct Connect Gateway Egress Only Internet Gateway AWS PrivateLink - VPC Endpoint Services AWS ClassicLink VPN CloudHub Transit Gateway VPC Section Summary Section Cleanup Networking Costs in AWS
  • +Disaster Recovery & Migrations
    Disaster Recovery in AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) Database Migration Service (DMS) - Hands On On-Premises Strategies with AWS DataSync - Overview Transferring Large Datasets into AWS
  • +More Solution Architectures
    ​Event Processing in AWS Caching Strategies in AWS Blocking an IP Address in AWS High Performance Computing (HPC) on AWS EC2 Instance High Availability Bastion Host High Availability
  • +Other Services
    Other Services Section Introduction CICD Introduction CloudFormation Intro CloudFormation Hands-On CloudFormation - Extras ECS Introduction ECS - Extras EKS - Overview Step Functions & SWF EMR AWS Glue OpsWorks ElasticTranscoder AWS Workspaces AppSync Other Services: Cheat Sheet
  • +Preparing for the Exam + Practice Exam - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate
    Exam Preparation - Section Introduction State of Learning Checkpoint - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam Tips - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam Walkthrough and Signup Practice Exam - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate

** All online training is going to be conducted by certified aws teacher, azure teacher, devops teacher and machine learning expert

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